The Locals Store

There are so many creative locals on the Gold Coast who have started their own business.  Most work from home, attend local markets and use social media to share their amazing products.  Making candles, beautiful jewellery, handmade bags, gorgeous homewares and so much more.

Here at The Locals Store we showcase those talented local small businesses, like an online marketplace. So feel free to browse their stores, purchase their products or services, tell your friends about them or just show them your support.

Below are some of our favourite local small business stores we would love you to support:


  The Salt Market   The Salt Market

The Salt Market is a local small business that handcrafts a range of jewellery and giftwares.  Earrings that are handcrafted using polymer clay and resin.  They also stock a range of handmade cards and other giftware that's perfect to gift to others or treat yourself with.

Come and look at their collections and see if there is something there you will love.    

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